Welcome to mathlib 3's documentation page
This is the API reference for mathlib 3, the library of mathematics developed for Lean 3. If you need information about installing Lean or mathlib, or getting started with a project, please visit our community website.
For documentation for the Lean 4 version, see mathlib4's documentation.
This documentation was automatically generated using doc-gen on the following source commits:
- mathlib bf2428c9486c407ca38b5b3fb10b87dad0bc99fa
- Lean cce7990ea86a78bdb383e38ed7f9b5ba93c60ce0
- doc-gen 0ab85f2ad359ecb52311f31bbf61ea9cf60ffb4c
On the left menu, the "General" and "Additional documentation" sections provide links with extra information about mathlib and related topics from our community, respectively. The "Library" section contains dropdown/expandable subsections according to mathlib's tree structure.