Derived from "Formalization of Geometric Algebra in HOL Light" #
This captures a fragment of this paper, and this github repo.
This file is primarily about definitions, we're not interested in the proofs used by others so much.
@[protected, instance]
- hol.multivector n = (hol.idx n → ℝ)
Instances for hol.multivector
generic product indexed by a sign function
- hol.generic_prod sgn a b = finset.univ.sum (λ (ai : hol.idx n), finset.univ.sum (λ (bi : hol.idx n), pi.single (ai ∆ bi) (a ai * b bi * sgn ai bi)))
generic_prod sgn
is a bilinear map
- hol.generic_prod.bilinear sgn = linear_map.mk₂ ℝ (hol.generic_prod sgn) _ _ _ _
is associative
Note: this declaration is incomplete and uses sorry