mathlib3 documentation

lean-ga / geometric_algebra.from_mathlib.concrete.pga

Plane-based Geometric algebra #

This files defines the projectivized vector space projectivize V, and its associated geometric algebra CGA.

A typical usage would use PGA (euclidean_space ℝ 3).

This file is underdeveloped compared to one for conformalize, but is included as a skeleton of how to proceed.

@[protected, instance]

A projectivized vector has additional e0 component

Instances for projectivize

Define linear maps to extract the new components

The metric is the metric of V with the n0 term ignored.


Show the definition is what we expect.


Define the Plane-based Geometric Algebra over V.

noncomputable def projectivize.up (V : Type u_1) [normed_add_comm_group V] [inner_product_space V] (x : V) :

And the embedding of the vector space into it. Note that often the dual of this result is used instead, but we do not have that in our formalization yet!
